Monday 17 May 2010

Bush Flower

Stumbling over that terrain, like a pilgrim with a palette knife...

then brushing something off in five minutes.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Murder in the Studio

The pink killed the green...

...the blue killed the pink. The orange killed the blue...

Elegy for an Abstract

I couldn't get this abstract to work... I turned it into a still-life.
Blue apples; why not?
They're for looking at, not eating.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Charred Car

A burnt-out VW Golf on Nunney Road.
Modelling paste mixed with phthalo blue to give the ground some bite. There are so many ridges the paint won't take evenly, but that's the idea.

I'm making progress but it still looks too civilised.

I met with Ciara Nolan, the centre manager today. We discussed the hanging system and how closely the canvases should be hung together.

Themes are developing:
Treatment and palette seem more important than subject.

Okay, so it looks like a carrot. Now what?

Thursday 6 May 2010

Labels and Carrots

"Leave the labels to those who have little else wherewith to cover their nakedness." 

The colours of my carrot.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

The Beginning

A loaded Honda. And then the first painting, which unpromisingly recalls the computer's blue screen of death:

I paint it blue because my subject is orange.

"The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution." 

Like the labouring donkey, I need my inducement.